Online Course

Welcome to The BAARD Institute

Here you will find comprehensive courses in Biomimetic & Advanced Adhesive Restorative Dentistry.
These Courses are designed to be virtual workshops with evidenced based didactic learning coupled with case presentation, protocols, & ample demos of techniques. The goal is to simulate a multi-day didactic & technique workshop. The lectures & demos are provided for self-paced learning & unlimited access for review & honing the student's understanding of the material & clinical skills in demonstrated techniques.Ā 

Overlay, Onlay, & Advanced Adhesion [16 CE]

  • 1 YearĀ access
Biomimetic, Biomechanic, & Tooth Structure Fundamentals, Crack Diagnosis & Treatment, Ceramic Design & Preparation, Immediate Dentin Sealing, Temporary Fabrication & Delivery of Final Restoration, Post-Operative Sensitivity & Pulp Health, Deep Caries Removal, Demos, Cases [16 CE]
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